Research the winning fibromyalgia

Syndrome characterized by diffuse pain throughout the body associated with a high fatigue and sleep disorders, fibromyalgia affects at least 2% of the French population. The natural history of the disease can lead to total physical deconditioning, psychological and social. Research has shown that there was a link between the severity of this disease and poor…

7 Medical Conditions Similar to Fibromyalgia

There are a lot of different medical conditions that can mimic the effects of fibromyalgia. The chronic fatigue and pain all over the body are also the signs of other conditions that you might not have considered. And when you keep in mind that getting an accurate diagnosis for fibromyalgia can sometimes be difficult, it’s…

13 Mistakes Fibromyalgia Patients Make

Navigating fibro Dealing with the constant, daily pain of fibromyalgia can be tough. But the task can be even tougher if you fall into some common traps. Everyone makes mistakes, but there are some missteps that can make it even harder to cope with fibromyalgia. Learn how to avoid them and make living with fibromyalgia that much…

Muscle cramps and spasms in fibromyalgia

Muscle spasms can be a source of considerable pain in people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Many times we fail our muscles relax, although several treatments. I almost always have contracted the muscles, especially in the neck, entire back (from the shoulders to the buttocks) and thighs. Not to mention that I also have other muscle…