Today I wanted to publish one of these articles that you both like and ask. Well, I will talk about “The 12 things I did not say to diagnose fibromyalgia me” . More that section of anything is above all newly diagnosed people with fibromyalgia, deprimirlas not for much less, but as tips for avoiding seasickness with information about Internet miraculous healings or erroneous studies .
I decided to write this article because I know my past, when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and lost because I am wise words would yield this disease, do you want my present to explain what two at that time would know.
You will have pain every day. Although these – vary according to how the pain wake you always have some pain another.
You live in a rollercoaster of pain. Thus, doctors call this rollercoaster of pain. There will be days you wake up feeling like you’ve been beaten up and other days you can make a ‘normal life’ in your limits.
-NO very strong medicine for it will take away the pain. Current drugs for fibromyalgia as I have said in the last article, may atontarnos teach us to avoid pain or swelling desinflamarnos we have, but the sting and others, particularly in the home, will always be the.
, At the present time there is no miracle cure. There have been several studies, but each with different results where the origin of fibromyalgia is increasingly confused. Because it is not the real cause, there is no specific medication. For others, it is said by many experts that fibromyalgia is not a miracle cure, although many treatments that contribute to the improvement.
-the fibromyalgia is still increasing. Yes that’s it. As much as you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia when you sell the story that if you put your hand to improve your fibromyalgia is not. For example, I put a lot of myself and I’m 19, theoretically, must improve before and not so. I am four years with fibromyalgia and started with a very soft level and in just three years, I said he was suffering from severe fibromyalgia. Well, it is true that young people fibromyalgia is much more aggressive. Put your hand is all it does not grow as fast.
Your life will never be as it was before. Yes, this person jovial, talkative, so eager to live. Unfortunately, you now come into your life that you never imagined pain. You know where each organ as soon as possible that you did not know you had is. You have to put limits on all activities. And keep in mind all the energy that you have spoons per day. As before rebosabas energy. You have to live, but those – one even more eager than ever because your life is very difficult and different. A doctor without simply not able to work or study.
You -Perderás many faculties. As about 300 years and the symptoms of fibromyalgia and contétenemos whenever they appear as increase your fibromyalgia. In these 300 unsteadiness, entorpedecimiento talk and a lot of power before dominabas perfectly are included. I was once a dancer and I had a perfect balance, now that I look like a sick duck walk.
You -Perderás even some friends along the way. Many people do not understand our illness and can not understand that – one day cancel the plans you had for that day – there, because you hit a bad day. For example, I lost many friends because they thought they passed them by canceling plans or mainly because if he went to a nightclub could not be even an hour. The good thing about this is that only true friends are those who remain by your side. So those who go by the wayside, although tea is losing not paid, they are not your worst.
We will go to the life of a couch. As I see it, while others enjoy their wonderful life, their wonderful work, or his brilliant career, I see myself on a couch barely able to blink, barely able to do household chores and observation days one behind another.
“Your family and friends are often reluctant pain. And it is normal, tell anyone who hurt you the nerve endings, you burn the body, giving you suddenly have pain or sciatica, outside, it seems normal to us. This disease one of the things that is characterized by a great misunderstanding in the medical part. So for newcomers in this world, especially a lot of patience, but aguantéis often stupid comments from your parents and others, patience.
-In many cases will even ashamed to say you have fibromyalgia for fear of rejection. As we have said, this disease is characterized by a great misunderstanding and you will find many releases this difficult path and you end up giving even ashamed to say that suffer from this disease lasts. The only thing I can say is that when there tell someone, first see if you will feel comfortable telling him, if it is worth it and you will produce evil tell. With this disease, you need to learn to be a little selfish but it is difficult. You have to look for you and your health, because at least a minimum nerve or a bad situation you produce pain. But yes do not hesitate to time and give you comments like these that you can do, fibromyalgia is a part of you and not have to give us ashamed to say “Hi,
“You will find some amazing people all this way suffering from the same thing as you and are often the only ones who understand you. True, there are many Facebook groups fibromyalgia and many other social networks that, together, we provide support, because we are the only ones who know how this pain and how these symptoms and end up being much, great friends yours. I when I joined a group of facebook nothing out she had this disease, we have a group of some WhatsApp and have become my daily support, we share the best and worst moments are especially my crutch when I am weak , one of my strengths to go further, even mothers consider them second. But on this issue and I will speak later in a longer and this article.
Well this is one of the things I have held in the subject of the article. Almost nobody has written about it and it seemed an article explaining what we should say when we diagnose this disease, but of course these things gives us experience.
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