Dr. Heather Morris
Topamax For Weight Loss Bipolar Depression,Migraine Relief drug and Its Side Effects – Many clinical studies and case reports now show that taking Topamax (topiramate) during pregnancy increases the risk of cleft lip, cleft palate and/or genital birth defects in newborns. Data from the North American Drug Pregnancy Registry showed the risk of oral defects is 16 times higher among mothers who took Topamax Bipolar Depression drug or its generic versions during their first trimester of pregnancy compared to mothers who either did not take the drug or who took other antiepileptic drugs. Bipolar Depression drug Topamax also passes in breast milk, which has been shown to cause a number of health problems in breastfeeding newborns. Breastfeeding while taking Topamax may cause the following symptoms in newborns:
- Drowsiness
- Confusion
- Aggressiveness
- Infections
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
If you believe your child may have been affected by Bipolar Depression drug Topamax or topiramate, contact your physician immediately.
One Family’s Experience with the Birth Defects Caused by Bipolar Depression Topamax
For many years, Kelly Anderson took prescription Topamax to treat Bipolar Depression. These migraines were sometimes so debilitating that she could not work. In 2007, while taking the drug, Kelly became pregnant. Unfortunately, she was never warned about the serious side effects that Topamax can have on unborn babies, especially when taken during the first trimester. In 2008, Kelly and her husband Brian’s daughter was born with bi-lateral cleft lip and palate. Before the child’s 5th birthday, she had undergone over a dozen procedures to treat her condition.
The Makers of Topamax Are Responsible For Failing to Warn Patients – Janssen Pharmaceuticals, along with its parent company, Johnson and Johnson, heavily marketed Bipolar Depression drug Topamax for use in the treatment of a variety of conditions—conditions for which the Bipolar Depression Drug was indicated, but also for “off label” conditions. This “off label” promotion was the focus of separate legal action against the company.In the case brought by Simmons Hanly Conroy, the jury ruled that defendant Janssen Pharmaceuticals failed to include the appropriate warning addressing Topamax’s risk of causing birth injuries, like cleft palate, on the drug’s label.
In 2011, the FDA issued a warning to women of child-bearing age about the dangerous effects this drug can have on newborns. This warning came after potentially millions of children had already been exposed to the drug before birth or during breastfeeding. The Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry reported that 3.8 percent of oral birth defects were due to exposure to Topamax during the first trimester of pregnancy. The FDA required Janssen to change the drug’s pregnancy category from C to D, which means the drug poses a known risk to fetuses. For Kelly and Brian’s daughter and many others like her, the damage has already been done. Janssen failed to warn parents that their drug could cause serious birth defects.
“No woman is going to put the health of her unborn baby at risk just to get rid of headaches” The Anderson family contacted Simmons Hanly Conroy, and the pharmaceutical team led by shareholder Trent Miracle and attorney Andy Williams took the family’s case.“No woman is going to put the health of her unborn baby at risk just to get rid of headaches,” Williams said.For Kelly and Brian, the final outcome was not just about the money. Instead, “it’s about a jury giving us justice for us and our child,” they said in aprepared statement. “We hope this will help make sure no other children have to live with the injuries our daughter has endured.”When it was filed in early 2014, the Anderson case was only the third case brought against Janssen Pharmaceuticals seeking recovery for birth defects caused by Topamax.
Since that time, over 100 additional cases have been filed. The verdict obtained by the Anderson family was upheld on appeal in 2016.“On behalf of the Anderson family and their child, we are proud to have held Janssen Pharmaceuticals responsible for its decision to sell Bipolar Depression drug Topamax without adequately warning families of the serious risks present during pregnancy,” Williams said.
The Dangers of Bipolar Depression Topamax Become National News – The dangers that Topamax and its generic form topiramate pose to fetuses and breastfeeding infants rightly made national headlines. Indeed, the damages awarded to Kelly, Brian and their daughter were substantial and were reported by several media outlets.