What You Need To Know About Fibromyalgia Leg Muscle Weakness

Long before my official fibromyalgia diagnosis, I began experiencing unexplained leg muscle weakness. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it themselves for many reasons. Sometimes it is painful and for others, it is not. There are levels of weakness ranging from making walking or standing difficult to impossible. It is unpredictable, unstoppable, and debilitating….

Fibromyalgi Tretthet versus smerte. Som er verre og tips for å takle hver

Fibromyalgi tretthet versus smerte……. Hvis jeg hadde blitt spurt om hva jeg syntes var verre før jeg fikk diagnosen fibromyalgi , ville jeg ha svart med smerte. Er fibromyalgi smerte virkelig verre? Kan fibrotretthet virkelig være like ødeleggende som kronisk smerte ? La oss ta en titt! Jeg var ikke fremmed for smerte før jeg fikk diagnosen fibromyalgi. TMJ-kirurgi, et…

Fibromyalgia Diagnosis, Leaves you Exhausted and Unable to Think

People with fibromyalgia often describe their symptoms as a flu-like infection that doesn’t go away. It leaves you exhausted and unable to think or find the right words (symptoms of fibro fog). Many people with Fibromyalgia are exhausted to the point of collapse. No amount of sleep is refreshing or restful, and often the muscle pain keeps the person…

When and how did you realize your first Fibromyalgia Symptoms?

In 2003 I started to have pain in the muscles of my legs. A  doctor’s visit found nothing wrong. As time went on I started to feel pain in other muscles. Down my back, back of my arms, calves, and back of my neck. OTC pain relievers did nothing. Trip to the doctor got narcotics. They did…

Every Experience in fibromyalgia have some Level of Pain

Imagine being beaten and having huge bruises over your entire body, with a full-body sunburn on top of that, and having someone taking a stick and repeatedly poking all your tender spots while you are trying to run a long marathon. For someone with Fibromyalgia, everyday tasks are just as exhausting as running a marathon. Even…

How can I help My Mother she has Fibromyalgia?

She can barely get out of bed some days. One day it’s her foot, another it’s her hip. She’s sad and tired and feels like my and my sister I’s lives aren’t what they could be because of her. How do I help her? Patience and compassion are the keys. Your mother isn’t making things up. She’s not lying; she’s…

Fibromyalgia is Complicated and so are its Causes

This is the 64 million dollar question. I wish I could answer it but fibromyalgia is complicated and so are its causes. However, I will say that I’m sure it’s connected to the evil quad that is causing so many people to be sick these days: antibiotic use, too much sugar in the diet, a sterile, nutrient-free,…

Stress that Causes the Hypothalamus may lead to Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is primarily a neurological brain disorder. It is seven times more likely to strike women than men, and it doesn’t matter what nationality you are. The hypothalamus part of the brain acts as a circuit breaker/fuse box for the rest of the brain and body. It’s like the battery for the entire body. There are several things…

In my Experience, Fibromyalgia Pain Can Happen in any Part of your Body.

I’ve had it for about 29 years now. In a word—-Pain. Never-ending, constant pain. Your shoulder will suddenly start to hurt, which can last for a few seconds to days. That can happen in any part of your body. When it quits, it will start in some other place, again for only a few seconds to days….

Why does Fibromyalgia have such a Bad Reputation?

Fibromyalgia has a bad reputation because many members of the medical community doubted that it was a real disorder until the last several years. Even with the change in perception of the disorder, there are still a number of medical personnel who do not believe in it. Fibro is one of those things that cannot be proven by standard…

Is it possible to have fibromyalgia prevalent in mainly one side of the body?

Chronic pain in the upper and lower aspects of the same body side suggest a musculoskeletal disorder. In cases of fibromyalgia, a constellation of symptoms can exist which reflect simultaneous painful dysfunction of the pelvic and shoulder girdles. My clinical researchers have discovered that females can incur looseness and hypermobility (subluxation) of their pelvic girdle sacroiliac joints (note…

Does fibromyalgia cause permanent damage?

I have so many auto-immune diseases going on, I’ll begin with fibromyalgia. When I lived in Vermont, one morning I could hardly get out of bed…all my muscles and joints hurt very much. I thought I’d have to call an ambulance. I lie there a while in bed. Eventually the severe pain eased us. I had what is…

Jonathan Ross’ daughter suffers ‘flare up’ from chronic condition

by Julia Nelson Jonathan Ross recently revealed that his 30-year-old daughter Betty Ross has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a chronic condition that causes pain and fatigue all over the body, and for which there is currently no cure, according to the NHS. Betty has since taken to Instagram to give an update on her battle, and she has…