Getting an MRI with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Has your doctor ordered an MRI for you? If you have fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, there’s a few things you should know—and do—before you go in for this test. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is used for a lot of different things. It helps doctors diagnose soft-tissue injuries, spinal problems, vascular abnormalities, gastrointestinal problems, and diseases…

Fibromyalgia: the pain behind Lady Gaga’s poker face

Earlier this month, Lady Gaga announced the cancellation of the upcoming leg of her world tour due to her ongoing battle with fibromyalgia syndrome. Her behind-the-scenes Netflix documentary, Gaga: Five foot Two , charts her journey to Superbowl half-time show stardom, but also offers an intriguing glimpse into the challenges faced by someone living with chronic pain….

Scientists Develop Cannabis Pain Patches for Fibromyalgia

According to a press release from Cannabis Science, a firm that specializes in the creation of marijuana-based therapeutics, the company has developed two new cannabis-based medications for patients suffering from fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy nerve pain. How They Work The medications, which are essentially cannabis-based painkillers, will be dosed into the patient’s bloodstream through transdermal adhesive patches…

Bananas for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

Although there is no perfect diet for everyone with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, certain nutrients can help our symptoms. There is much talk here of supplements, which are a great way to ensure you get consistent daily amounts, but it is also important to make sure you eat the right foods. I start a   diet this week   series…

Myofascial Release can Help Fibro Pain

New research on fibromyalgia is being done all of the time. The resultant volume of published studies can be overwhelming to keep up with. There is recent research and studies being published suggesting that one of the main components of the dysfunction of Fibromyalgia (aside for the nerves and brain signals) is the Fascia. This…

Fibromyalgia, O my pain

This pain syndrome is poorly understood. And as it mainly affects women (eight out of ten patients), many consider him … purely psychic. Error ! Fibromyalgia is a real disease that is beginning to unravel the mysteries. In a documentary shown at the Toronto Film Festival September 8, 2017, the singer Lady Gaga has revealed suffer from a…


DOES FIBROMYALGIA MAKE TAKING A SHOWER ANOTHER EXHAUSTING ACTIVITY? For most people who don’t live with chronic pain conditions, a shower in the morning helps them feel refreshed, fully awake and ready for the day. Unfortunately, this isn’t the experience that many fibromyalgia sufferers have. It seems like such a small thing, but when you’re living with…

fibromyalgia … no. 2 – Dealing with an invisible disease

Good people, I’m still overwhelmed by the incredible response to my post “Fibromyalgia is … no. 1” ! He alone was shared on Facebook in two and a half days more than 1,000 times – so crazy! Thanks for all your comments, messages and mailings! Thanks to all who have shared the article. I am very happy, because this way we…

Fibromyalgia Numbness: Causes and Coping

Dealing With Fibromyalgia Numbness and Tingling For most people, a new morning brings energy enough to hit the ground running if need be. That is, most people who do not suffer from fibromyalgia. Those suffering from fibro, however, can barely tiptoe through the morning, nonetheless run through it. Some days the mere pressure of putting…

Foot pain with fibromyalgia

Plantar fasciitis is a problem with the muscles so amplification of pain can make it very limiting when fibromyalgia suffers. All pain in fibromyalgia are amplified and plantar fasciitis is a problem with the muscles so this amplification of pain can make it very limiting. If you suffer from severe pain in the heel or sole…

10 Things I Wish People Knew About My Invisible Illness

Eight years ago, I found out I had a rare chronic disease. The largest artery in my body has difficulty carrying blood from my heart to the rest of my body. Photo credit: Devri Velazquez by Monique Rodriguez I have Takayasu’s arteritis, a condition where the largest artery in my body (the aorta) is inflamed and has…


After osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia is the second most common rheumatic disease.However, it is difficult to choose the previous fibromyalgia because its symptoms fluctuate. This condition mainly affects women than men. It is characterized by pain in the body accompanied by stiffness and fatigue. According to Daniel Clauw, MD, professor of anesthesiology at the University of Michigan, said…

Fibromyalgia and hip pain flexor

Fibromyalgia and hip pain flexor It is not uncommon to have hip flexor problems or pain in this area when you live with fibromyalgia. Hips, hip flexors and lower back regions correlate with fibromyalgia pain due to tender areas around the lower back, many areas more trigger point and other conditions affecting the surrounding areas. The hip…

Fibromyalgia and Cognitive Problems

Managing Cognitive Fatigue Pain is generally considered the primary symptom of fibromyalgia, but I feel there is another one equal to, if not worse than, pain. That symptom is fatigue. Now I know everyone has different levels of pain, fatigue, and all the other symptoms, so this may vary from person to person. But the thing about…

Lady Gaga Cancels Concert Due to Chronic Pain

Lady Gaga’s chronic pain has led her to cancel an upcoming performance in Brazil. In a series of tweets shared on Thursday, the singer explained she was taken to the hospital in “severe pain,” and isn’t well enough to perform at Rock in Rio, a music festival in Brazil, on Friday. The news comes just two days after Gaga revealed she…

14 Brands Bra Women with Fibromyalgia Recommend

When you are dealing with the sensitivity of the skin and generalized fibromyalgia pain, the last thing you probably want to do is put support – throat. If you are at home, wearing several layers or small breasts, you can feel totally comfortable jumping support – fully throat – and it’s great! But for many women, there…

Effects of Fibromyalgia On Legs. Connection between Fibro and Leg Pain

By: Kythy Jhone Leg Pain And Fibromyalgia – The Connection Fibromyalgia’s characterizing trademark is boundless agony, including leg torment. Leg torment and fibromyalgia may differ from individual to individual, yet can present as sharp agony, a dull hurt, profound torment, or a greater amount of a throbbing sensation. Leg torment and fibromyalgia associations Leg torment…