Confessions of a Fatigued Fibromite.

What have you done due to fatigue?

I was posting things I have done because of fatigue/”fibro fog”. After sharing my stories others began to share theirs. I saw myself in everyone of their stories. I know it makes me feel better to know that I am not alone.


I stood in front of my office door pushing the button on my key wondering why it was not opening my door. It took longer than I care to admit for me to realize that I had been clickinmy car remote door opener.

I told my daughter to meet me at the bank. I got there and texted her telling her that I was there waiting for her. She called asking where I was. She had gone to a different bank in town. I was positive that she was at the wrong bank. In fact, she even drove over to the bank I was at meanwhile I had told the lady at the bank that my daughter was late because she had gone to the wrong bank. She arrived and we handed the teller the information for her to make the deposit. You guessed it. She didn’t have an account there. She had been at the right bank but the good kid she is instead of arguing with me or saying something about my memory we just drove over to the correct bank did our banking and went about our day.


“I sprayed hairspray under both arms before realizing that it was not deodorant.”

“I put milk in the cabinet & cereal in the refrigerator.”

“I fall asleep in the shower.”

“I had to stop putting my socks on standing up. My balance has gotten really bad, but it’s mostly because I put my shoes on next, like auto pilot. Know where this is going? Socks, shoes, pants! Then I would fall over because my foot would foot would get stuck in my pants leg because I had already put my shoes on.”

“I arrived at doc appointments at wrong docs and times. But it’s rare. Once, I went for yearly check up and had absolutely no memory of having ever been there or seen the staff before but they knew me. Freaked me out because my father has advanced dementia. It never came to me. Still don’t remember them. I walked in office saying, did you move?”

“I drove to the wrong city for 1 of my medical appointments! I was about 1 hour farther out than I needed to be at their main location. Now I can’t even drive myself anymore…who knows what would happen…I would for sure fall asleep at the wheel before I made it!”

“My big one is getting home from the grocery store, and I’m so wiped out sometimes that my mind blanks on one of the bags, so something doesn’t end up in the fridge or freezer that should have. I hate when I do that!”

“I went to a hair appointment Tues. when it was actually not till Thurs.”

“I tried to put the milk in the kitchen cabinet one day. The only reason I didn’t is because it wouldn’t fit.”

“A couple weeks ago, I was sitting in the car, that I’ve had since 2013, waiting for my husband. He came back to the car to tell me something and I had no clue how to roll the window down or open the door. I sat and played with the locks, until I found the handle…lol Yes, funny, yet scary!”

“I have no more drinking glasses left. I broke them all. I would just randomly drop them. Plastic is the new glass in my household.”

“Personally I like fibro pregnancy brain duo. lol I put everything in the freezer or wrong cabinets.”

“Drove my preteen daughter to the wrong school for morning drop off….! Luckily she noticed! Haha!”

“I put my phone and umbrella in the fridge one morning.”

I have been struggling with fatigue more than usual these past few months. I will end this blog by sharing that when I began to proof read the above article it appeared to be longer than I had remembered. I found out why. I had posted each of the stories 2-3 times.

Share your stories in the comment box below.

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