Is it possible to have fibromyalgia prevalent in mainly one side of the body?

Chronic pain in the upper and lower aspects of the same body side suggest a musculoskeletal disorder. In cases of fibromyalgia, a constellation of symptoms can exist which reflect simultaneous painful dysfunction of the pelvic and shoulder girdles.

My clinical researchers have discovered that females can incur looseness and hypermobility (subluxation) of their pelvic girdle sacroiliac joints (note for physicians: diagnostic criteria are found in the Occupational Disabilities Guidelines). Pelvic instability can become a chronic pain condition due to ongoing mechanical stress of pelvic ligaments attempting to hold together the loose pelvic sacroiliac joint.

Pelvic sacroiliac joint hypermobility can be due to childbirth, pelvic girdle mechanical injury (such as extreme sport participation), an underlying Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS), obesity, musculoskeletal deconditioning, poor nutritional musculoskeletal status, or an admixture of these and other circumstances.

Different people can come to this type of pelvic sacroiliac joint dysfunction from varying causes. Secondary to the unstable pelvic girdle ring, the shoulder girdle can tilt and droop on one side, usually the same side that the lower spine (sacrum) droops into the painful and unstable pelvic sacroiliac joint.

When the pelvic girdle ring is unstable, the body tower, the spine surmounted by a shoulder girdle and head, is induced to tilt and gyrate into a spinal formation called “functional scoliosis“. Scoliosis causes the shoulder girdle to tilt, and the shoulder on the same side as the loose and painful pelvic sacroiliac joint is caused to tilt downward.

This chronic and unconscious posture of unilateral shoulder droop can often be seen in photographs and/or in the mirror. A chronically tilted shoulder can develop signs and symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome; with tingling, pain, and numbness down the arm (usually to the pinky side of the hand) and spasm of adjacent neck muscles.

As a consequence of chronic head tilt, the muscles on one side of the neck become chronically spastic, and the symptoms of chronic “muscle tension headache” can evolve. The unseen force of gravity acts upon all these tilted masses stationed above an unstable pelvis, and gravity is a participant in the evolution of these chronic pain syndromes.

Osteopaths and Physical Therapists are the best medical experts to diagnose these postural changes, muscle spasms, painful tendon and ligament mechanical stress, and the consequent generalized pain generation that occurs as a cascade of causes and effects. In a Fibromyalgia Cure Quora Space, I discuss the relationship of these musculoskeletal disorders, as well as the occurrence of “endometriosis” in women with this constellation of disorders.

 The genetic background condition called Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) is also described. It is no coincidence that women with JHS experience a high incidence of fibromyalgia. Subluxation/hypermobility of one sacroiliac joint is the unifying biomechanical principle.

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