Fibromyalgia and foot pain

” When things get really bad, just raise your glass and stamp your feet and do a little jig”, Leonard Cohen

As I have been limping along these past few months following hip surgery I began to have foot pain, a condition I had never had before. I was speculating about the cause. Too little walking of late? Plantar fasciitis? Shifting from soft sponge shoes (GoWalk) to sneakers that are heavier? Shuffling after the surgery? The possibilities are endless. No one can tell me what the issues are that inhibit my walking and cause almost shock-like pain in arches and the top of my foot.

Once more I was in a quandary and begin thinking it was just a fibromyalgia symptom. Why not? I find myself blaming all my woes on this devilish syndrome…not a disease but a dis-ease of the central nervous system. It affects all my muscles, joints, and body parts so the feet are not immune. This is a dangerous state of mind. One can have other conditions that cannot be blamed on fibromyalgia. But, the puzzle persisted. Should I try other shoes?

I have been having reflexology which is very soothing and comforting. Foot massages are lovely and I do them myself. Nonetheless, pain in the arches and tops of feet persists. I cannot find any research on fibromyalgia and foot pain. Then alas! I was referred to the Chronic Pain Clinic where I met with a wonderful registered nurse and a phenomenal physician who explained to me (once more!) about degenerative disc disease and lumbar spine pain.

I learned (once more!) about pain from these discs which can radiate down the legs and feet. Aha! Aging is not for cowards. One thing leads to another and it is a matter of extrapolating, yet joining together the dots of the body’s complex, yet wonderful central nervous system and its relationship to the brain and even the feet. I suffer from low back pain and of course, those bulging discs radiate pain down the legs and feet, made worse by the hyper-aroused central nervous system.

The staff at the Clinic tell me that the majority of their clients have fibromyalgia. When I gave the physician my short version of fibromyalgia he said it was “well stated”.

As written eloquently in the most recent blog

Do we need more of an understanding of the physiology of pain (and other symptoms) of this fibromyalgia syndrome (central sensitization)? For those of us suffering from chronically overstimulated nerves ( in lay language) all we want is to find ways to live a better quality of life.

So, once more the treatment: meditation, walking, light yoga/chi gong/tai chi, avoiding stimulating foods like sugar, alcohol, caffeine, talk therapy addressing past traumas which are responsible for these conditions, and avoiding stressful situations or those which are too stimulating. In short, a change in lifestyle while recognizing that our central nervous systems are not going to ‘recover’ completely.

So, what about my sore feet now that it is established that my spine, which does have some abnormalities (ah, but we all have this degenerative disc disease as we age!) is sending messages to my brain that walking hurts my feet? Well, there is some degree of help through paravertebral blocks which may temporarily help with leg and foot pain, but I was advised that fibromyalgia clients do not do as well as others with disc disease, for all the reasons cited above.

Nonetheless, I am happy there is the possibility I will be walking for longer periods of time without foot and back pain! I will walk for short periods of time like 15 minutes, several times a day, and sometimes supplement this with my trekking sticks.  “Hope springs eternal in the human breast” (Alexander Pope).

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