A chronic disease is one lasting 3 months or more, by the definition of the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics. Chronic diseases generally cannot be prevented by vaccines or cured by medication, nor do they just disappear.
Chronic diseases tend to become more common with age.
The leading chronic diseases in developed countries include (in alphabetical order) arthritis, cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and seizures, obesity, and oral health problems. Each of these conditions plagues older adults in the US (and other developed nations).
Chronic diseases are responsible for 7 of 10 deaths each year, and treating people with chronic diseases accounts for most of our nation’s health care costs.
It is estimated about 5 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia include:
food intolerances
fatigue and weakness
chronic pain
The underlying cause is largely unknown.
According to AARDA:
“Approximately 50 million Americans, 20 percent of the population or one in five people, suffer from autoimmune diseases.
Women are more likely than men to be affected; some estimates say that 75 percent of those affected – some 30 million people – are women.”
Kathy’s Experience with Fibromyalgia
“My experience with fibromyalgia began with a very traumatic childbirth incident almost 30 years ago. At the time many doctors believed fibromyalgia was just a combination of other issues or “all in your head.” Finally a rheumatologist was able to diagnose the cause of my constant all-over pain and extreme fatigue. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia was a relief, but then the journey to find solutions began.
As a young mother at the time, each day was a difficult challenge. Without the support and understanding of my husband I would not have been able to cope. Fibromyalgia often comes with co-existing problems. Severe depression and joint problems accompanied mine.
Some things that have helped me over the years: Effective treatment for depression managed by a reputable doctor; extra rest – each person with fibromyalgia must learn to recognize their own breaking point and STOP even if others might judge them as weak or lazy; gentle stretching daily, especially in the morning when fibromyalgia pain and stiffness can be the worst; heat in the form of a warm shower or bath, moist heat packs or a heating pad; teaching my children to become more independent and capable of taking care of their basic needs (e.g. my children started doing their own laundry at age 8); very gentle massage either by a partner or professional; and maintaining a healthy weight with a diet of natural, raw, organic and affordable foods where possible – this included avoiding white sugar, white flour, and dairy products for me.
I’ve learned we each live with our own challenges the best we can – and we all have them. I believe life is a gift. We can be as miserable or accepting of our own issues as we choose. I choose to be happy!”
Juice Recipe For Fibromyalgia
Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, before consuming other foods. This juice recipe is to help decrease any lactic acid build up in the muscles and to help with soreness and muscle pain which can be especially apparent in the morning.
4 collard green leaves
2 limes
1 bunch alfalfa sprouts
¼ jalapeno pepper
½ head purple cabbage
1 green apple
1 cucumber
4 stalks celery