Par Celeste Cooper La thyroïde, une glande en forme de papillon située dans la zone de la pomme de notre Adam, sécrète des hormones, des protéines rend et régule le métabolisme pour équilibrer le fonctionnement de notre corps. Il existe de nombreux types de dysfonctionnement de la thyroïde, mais pas couramment discuté est la résistance de la thyroïde. Le regretté Dr John Lowe, chercheur et…
Fibromyalgie commun chez les patients atteints d’insuffisance cardiaque, révèle une étude
La fibromyalgie est fréquente chez les patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque chronique, selon une étude de l’ Australie, qui a démontré que la condition était liée à une moins bonne santé. patients atteints d’insuffisance cardiaque avec la fibromyalgie ont également été plus souvent touchés par d’autres maladies supposées provenir de ce qu’on appelle la sensibilité centrale – cérébrale anormale et des…
De bewering dat fibromyalgie onderzoekers hebben ontdekt de bron van de pijn is niet waar – Hier is waarom
Fibromyalgie is een van de meest voorkomende pijn gerelateerde omstandigheden in Noord-Amerika en de rest van de wereld. Het treft ongeveer 10 miljoen Amerikanen en ongeveer drie tot zes procent van de wereldbevolking. 75 tot 90 procent van de getroffen vrouwen zijn mensen; de ziekte wordt vaak doorgegeven aan hun kinderen en de prevalentie en de ontwikkeling van…
Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved! Researchers Find Main Source of Pain
Researchers Find Main Source of Pain in Blood Vessels. Researchers came to believe that the root cause of pain in fibromyalgia does not stem from the brain. This finding contradicts the old beliefs and myths that were said about fibromyalgia. It was once thought that this was just an imaginary disease and it had no…
Senate Rejects Measure to Ban Abortion After 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG WASHINGTON — The Senate rejected a bill on Monday to ban most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, a largely symbolic vote aimed at forcing vulnerable Democrats to take a stand that could hurt their prospects for re-election in states won by President Trump. By a vote of 51 to 46, the…
7 Things Only People With Bipolar Will Understand
Help us win Healthline’s Best Health Blog of the Year! Vote for International Bipolar Foundation here. 1. Explaining to people that there is a difference between “moody” and “bipolar” I had told a colleague that I have bipolar and she laughed. When she saw that I wasn’t laughing with her, she asked me if I was…
10 Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Health TeamAngela Breast cancer is a cancer that originates in the area of the breast, where cells replicate too quickly, causing a tumor. Breast cancer is most common in women, but I can also occur in men. Breast cancer is caused by an abnormality that is genetic, but only a very low percentage of such…
Mom of 3 Shares Photo of Unexpected Breast Cancer Symptom — And You Need to See It
BY ELIZABETH NELSON Sherrie Rhodes believes that some of the least common symptoms of breast cancer are the most important to know about. That’s why when this mother of three was diagnosed with breast cancer, she knew she couldn’t keep her strange symptom—two dimples on one side of her breast—a secret. Rhodes found the dimples as she…
Neurontin en Lyrica zijn een doodstraf voor nieuwe hersen synapsen: schokkende studie
Neurontin en Lyrica zijn een doodstraf voor nieuwe hersenensynapsen: studeren Shocking Ann Blake Tracy- Een schokkende studie toont aan dat deze medicijnen blokkeren de vorming van nieuwe synapses1 hersenen, die sterk vermindert de plasticiteit potentieel van verjonging van de hersenen – wat betekent dat deze medicijnen veroorzaken hersenen achteruitgang blijkbaar steelt een capaciteit weer op…
Neurontin et Lyrica sont une peine de mort pour nouveau cerveau synapses: Étude Shocking
Neurontin et Lyrica sont une peine de mort pour nouveau cerveau synapses: Étude Shocking par Ann Blake Tracy- Une étude choquante montre que ces deux médicaments bloquent la formation de nouveaux synapses1 du cerveau, ce qui réduit considérablement le potentiel de plasticité rajeunissant du cerveau – ce qui signifie que ces médicaments provoquent le déclin…
Ce n’est pas Fibromyalgie
J’ai été diagnostiqué avec la fibromyalgie dans mes début des années 30 par un jeune médecin qui avait clairement vient d’apprendre le mot sur une soirée pyjama au junior Docteur Camp. « Vous grandirez plus en plus faible jusqu’à ce que finalement vos atrophie des muscles. Votre durée de vie sera considérablement réduit, et vous vivrai…
Lettre navrante d’un Bristol femme qui souffre de la maladie débilitante Fibromyalgie
Qu’est-ce qui se passe quand votre vie commence à démêler? Pour 23 ans, Peyton Connor, qui a eu lieu en mai dernier quand elle a reçu un diagnostic de fibromyalgie. La maladie chronique à long terme peut provoquer une sensibilité accrue à la douleur, la fatigue extrême, troubles du sommeil et la perte de mémoire….
Scientists Discover a Bone-Deep Risk for Heart Disease Few doctors, and even fewer patients, have heard of CHIP. But it is emerging as a major cause of heart attacks and stroke, as deadly as high blood pressure or cholesterol.
It’s been one of the vexing questions in medicine: Why is it that most people who have heart attacks or strokes have few or no conventional risk factors? These are patients with normal levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, no history of smoking or diabetes, and no family history of cardiovascular disease. Why aren’t they…
U.S. Senate votes against protecting pain-capable preborn children
On January 29, the U.S. Senate voted 51-46 on the question of whether to proceed with the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill needed 60 votes cast to continue, but failed to find that number. Sponsors of the bill’s House version had called for doing away with the 60-vote requirement. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) estimated that…
University of Wisconsin football players downplay warnings as proof of brain injury piles up
It was a freak hit — a blow to the back of University of Wisconsin fullback Austin Ramesh’s helmet by an opposing Illinois player. Ramesh described being “a little dazed” as he walked off the field. He had suffered a concussion in Wisconsin’s Oct. 28 game this season against Illinois and ended up missing a…
Is It an AFib Attack or a Heart Attack?
What’s the Difference between a Heart Attack and AFib? Many people get the conditions of atrial fibrillation (AFib) and a heart attacks confused. It is not hard to do – both involve the heart, and they can feel very similar, given the right conditions. However, they are distinct and separate conditions that are treated in…
How to Deal With Fibromyalgia During Pregnancy
Finding Safe Ways to Deal With Pain and Discomfort Fibromyalgia doesn’t appear to interfere with fertility, but pregnancy affects every system in the body, and since the pain and discomfort of fibromyalgia is also widespread, you can be in for a bumpy ride once you conceive. The first step is to build a good support…
Breaking Down the Stigma Attached to Fibromyalgia
Understanding Fibromyalgia Stigma Fibromyalgia is a challenging condition to grasp since it presents a list of symptoms that are difficult to identify and harder to describe. Now, imagine trying to understanding fibro if you have never had it. You hear about a wide range of symptoms and a lack of accurate testing to diagnosis the…